It’s always the little things that goes a long way. The other day, after arriving late from work, I found my wife in our bedroom preparing a massage bed she rented from one of our neighbors and surprised me with an at-home personal massage service. Complete with the scented candles and relaxing oils. She knew I had a presentation for that day and was working overtime days prior so having ended the presentation was something I was looking forward to but did not expect my wife was aware of as well. It made my heart swell. I decided to return the favor by surprising her with some homemade cookies.
Making the cookies. Since I didn’t really know a thing about baking, I tried looking up the easiest way to make them but knowing my wife, she wouldn’t want anything super off-the-shelf processed so supermarket cookies were off my options. Luckily I stumbled upon Malagos Chocolate Do It Yourself cookie packs. The pack included a sugar mixture, a cookie mixture, and Malagos 65% Dark Chocolate. The pack came with cooking instructions and only needed 3 extra ingredients which we already had on hand. It felt like I was really making cookies from scratch with my daughter as it wasn’t the same experience compared to purchasing 1-step boxed cookie mix.
Setting up the packaging. I bought a biodegradable box that can fit 20 pieces. My daughter and I consumed the 4 extra pieces as a reward for doing a job well done. Although she did better than I did because she really went all out with the packaging. I didn’t really know she was good with ribbons, decorative papers, and fabrics until the 50 pesos biodegradable box I bought all of a sudden turned into this beautiful, fancy packaging (including a fancy dedication note that is beautifully handwritten) that looked like it is worth over a thousand!
The surprise. Instead of my regular early morning jog routine, I went to her office that day instead as already planned out with a co-worker prior with the arrangement. I slipped in and left a bouquet and the homemade cookies we made on her table and returned back home pretended that nothing had happened. When she got to the office, she called me immediately and was overwhelmed with emotions. Nothing beats hearing your wife giggling with joy because of something you did. Looking forward to our stay-home date this Kadayawan 2020!
Malagos Homegrown Produce offers the best meal kits in Davao. Aside from the many varied options, I always take into consideration that what they offer are Malagos Garden Resort meals. Surely homegrown and premium! Their Davao DIY cookies are made with their signature Malagos Chocolate products as well, definitely a Davao baking meal kit supply must-have. You can check out the Baker’s Basket selection on their website to check them out.