So you might not be into the whole ornamental plant trend. You might be thinking, what could these people probably get from this? If you’re like me, I tried to get into it and I’ll be honest it did do me some good. What I didn’t like though is that it was costing me quite an amount and it was a hobby I wasn’t all that willing to maintain, although the emotional payoff has been very worth it, I wanted to venture into something that I can gain from practically. Cue in: edible landscaping!
What is edible landscaping? When people think about growing food in urban space, first consideration would be to hide it somewhere in the backyard. This is because vegetable gardens look very beautiful during harvest when fruits and vegetables thrive, however it may not look as appealing afterwards. Edible landscaping is the use of food-producing plants into residential landscapes by combining fruits, vegetables, herbs, along with ornamental plants into aesthetically pleasing designs. These designs can adopt any garden style and may include anywhere from 1% to 100% edible specimens—it’s entirely up to you!
Why landscape with edibles? You get to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables right out back your home, you get to control how your food is being grown—whether synthetically or organically, increase food security or sustainability in your household and save on grocery bills, grow the fruits and vegetables you want—even the unusual exotic ones that are hard to find in your local stores, and finally food that you grow yourself tastes way better because of the hard, fun work you put into it.
How do I start? When you’re planning out your edible landscape you just need to consider a few things: location- different plants grow on different conditions so you have to consider which plants go where, space- consider how big your plants will grow and not only its size when you plant it, time and care- edible plants require checking at particular growth phases to ensure productivity, use- know when to harvest and what to do with the harvest, and beauty- you also need to plan and consider the aesthetic look just like any other landscaped garden. Consider the color arrangements, the leaf forms, if it crawls or is dwarf-looking—and arrange them in a look you prefer.
If you’re looking for herbs and plants for sale, you can always head to Malagos Garden Resort plants for sale. There are other Davao plants for sale of course, however I always go to Malagos Garden Resort for my plant needs as their potted plants are surely rooted and already alive compared to other plant sellers that sell unestablished plants or were recently plucked out and transferred to new soil which may not turn out great for both you and the plant. You can order their plants online and available for delivery at Malagos Homegrown Produce.