Have you ever wondered why people would ask you to drink water when you’re overwhelmed with a lot of emotions or stress? It’s not just reflex, or superstitious belief. These things are rather backed up by science. Today, we’re going to discuss the calming features and healing powers of water. Many of us know that being around any water element generally makes us calmer and more creative. A recent study even showed that people living near the ocean report feeling less stress and having better health than those who don’t. But what is it exactly about water that makes us feel this way? It might be a mystery, but there are some ideas that justify the calming qualities of water.
It’s about catching a break from having to face screens and monitors and the fast-paced rhythm of our modern lives. While people experience a range of liminal emotions by being around the ocean, many cite that the way water, sound and weather interact produces an overwhelming sense of mental calmness.
People who experience water by actually plunging in pools, or other bodies of water often register a change from more active brainwaves to theta brainwaves. Beyond relaxation, these slower waves allow for an unleashing of creative ideas.
It generates a sense of awe. When you stand right before a vast expanse of sea, or witness a glorious waterfall, it brings inevitable awareness of this great big universe you’re in and how miniscule you are in it. Such awe-inspiring, larger than life presence makes your brain happier and less stressed.
Being around water deprives you of your senses altogether but in a good way. Floating, for example, allows you to lose track of where the body of water ends and your body begins. This makes you feel a sense of calmness that you don’t want to end.
For Davao City tour destinations that offer you the best experiences of water elements, check out Malagos Garden Resort. It’s a classic Davao City nature park and resort that’s a favorite among families. Just type where to stay in Davao City and you’ll easily be led to their website malagos.com